Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Repeat and repeat

I posted the following again and again.

Some of the posts do not stick with facts. When you belong to a political party, your points are twisted to what your political party wants you to say.

* A full-scale trade war with China would bring us to another recession for sure and China would pull out the 1.3 trillions of the government debts. Our farmers are making good profits from China esp. when they start to export rice.

Click here for potential trade war with China.

Most have the myth that China stole all our jobs. Those are manufacturing jobs with low pays and India and the other low-wage countries would take China's place. Western Europe is our competitors with same high tech products.

It is quite easy for the politicians to unload all our problems to China as they cannot fix our problems.

* We have 1% richest folks and 45% do not pay income taxes. I and most of you belong to the 54%. The 1% are the investors and they will invest the money where the profits are better as most of us do in investing. At worst, we could kill the goose that lays the golden eggs or they survive by flying to other countries with lower taxes.

Small businesses are not hiring as they cannot foresee the economy and would be penalized for the unemployed workers, not to mention the uncertainty of the ObamaCare.

Currently, US is not a good place to invest with high corporate taxes, regulations and high labor costs. The root of our problem is the expensive wars we cannot afford and we do not live within our means. Government is buying our votes and it does not take a rocket engineer (now most are unemployed) to figure it out.

Click here for 'Democracy leads to socialism'.

The government should improve our economy and treat it as a long-term agenda. Entitlements should be cut. If you lose your free health care by taking a job, you will not work.

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