Monday, September 17, 2012

Free trade starts with you

If you do not like Chinese products, burn all your clothes, take out all the components in your car that are made in China, do not buy stuffs from Wal-Mart...

If you do not like U.S. products, do not fly in Boeing's planes, use Windows or iPads...

If you do not like Japanese products, do not buy them. Shamelessly I bought a Japanese car last weekend during the disputed islet incident. Well, the car is assembled in US, so you cannot blame me totally for being not patriotic.

It is a free country after all. We could dump all the chicken feet to the ocean instead of sending them to China and enjoy a $50 toaster that is made in USA. The jobs we create is a small fraction of the jobs gained. Most of the jobs from China will go to other low-wage countries. The politicians just insult our intelligence.

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