Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Conclusion of my SA article on Correction

  • Since the shelf life of an average SA article is about 2 days to me, now is the time for me to draw conclusions.

    There are two camps: one who believe and one who do not believe. It is as expected. I will not take credit if there will be a correction within a month, or take the blame if there will be none in the next 3 months. From my record, I have more rights than wrongs. Here is my summary:

    1. I did think of other signs as mentioned by some of you: interest rate, oil price, current events… I expect interest rate will start rising by the end of the year. The recent rise in oil price is due to the turmoil in the Middle East. The current events including Ukraine and the Middle East seem not to be a factor as our leader does not want to participate.

    2. Corrections are harder to detect than market plunges, which has a lot of interest. After I detect a plunge, I will spend most of my time in protecting my portfolio. Most likely I’ll not have time to write an article. I have full description in my books if you’re interested.

    3. I expect a correction, but not a market plunge as I do not see any bubbles (those bubble stocks are too few). My prediction: They will be half the peaks achieved in 2013 by the end of this year. To me, all stock trades are predictions. Some materialize and some do not.

    4. The two links have been interesting to many (one claimed ‘opened the eyes’). There are over 300 clicks on the two. One deals with how to detect the market plunge and one deal with profits even from a correction predictions not fully materialized. They are actual numbers and transactions.

    The number of page views exceeds my expectation. Thanks for reading and comments. There are two articles I wrote that you can find the links at the end of this article

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